Sherri James

Sherri James

Sr. Wealth Manager / Licensed California Insurance Agent

As the Director of New Business Development, Sherri James assumes a crucial role in bolstering the Founders by overseeing the firm's day-to-day operations. She seamlessly interacts with clients at every juncture, from facilitating initial onboarding and account setup to offering support during pivotal life transitions like estate settlements. Sherri serves as the go-to resource for a myriad of needs, whether it's initiating the opening of a new account, addressing queries regarding account correspondence, adjusting index allocations on annuities, or extending assistance to prospective families seeking to join the EFC client roster. With her expertise and dedication, Sherri ensures that clients receive comprehensive support and guidance at every stage of their financial journey with EFC.

Sherri's journey at EFC Wealth Group began in 2017 when she joined as a Receptionist, quickly ascending to her current role as the Director of Operations. Beyond managing day-to-day operations, Sherri plays an integral part in executing the firm's marketing strategies and organizing client events alongside Cory. With a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Southern California, Sherri's commitment to personal and professional growth has been unwavering throughout her tenure at EFC. As a Licensed California Insurance Agent, she finds fulfillment in guiding clients through EFC's Sound Fiscal House process, ensuring their retirement security and providing for their loved ones' future. Outside of work, Sherri takes pride in raising her compassionate and thoughtful 10-year-old son, Jordan, which remains her greatest source of joy and accomplishment.

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